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Code of Conduct

The Central Florida Hotel and Lodging Association, Inc., Central Florida Hotel and Lodging Association Foundation, Inc., Central Florida Hotel and Lodging Association PAC, and Central Florida Hotel and Lodging PC (hereinafter collectively referred to as ("CFHLA Entities") does not and will not condone unlawful discrimination or unlawful harassment on the basis of race, color, religion, age, sex, gender, national origin, disability, any other legally protected classification, or other inappropriate conduct such as retaliation, investigation interference, or bullying, which is when someone engages in intentional and repeated aggressive behavior to cause another person injury through verbiage or physical conduct (“Prohibited Conduct”), against current board members of CFHLA, Foundation, and/or PAC/PC (“Board Members”), CFHLA members, and/or CFHLA employees (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Protected Person(s)"). CFHLA Entities prohibit Prohibited Conduct whether verbal, physical, or written. All CFHLA members are expected to conduct themselves professionally and to model professional conduct for others at all CFHLA sponsored events, activities, functions, and meetings.

This Prohibited Conduct Policy is enacted by CFHLA Entities as a Code of Conduct to prohibit, prevent, and exclude Prohibited Conduct in all forms in its workplace and at all CFHLA Entities’ sponsored events, activities, functions, and meetings. All Protected Persons have the right to work and be involved in and/or attend CFHLA Entities’ sanctioned functions, activities, meetings, and events, in an environment free from the Prohibited Conduct.  No one is authorized or permitted to discourage anyone from reporting what a person observed, heard of, learned of or, in good faith, believes is or may be conduct constituting Prohibited Conduct under this policy.

Additionally, as a Member of CFHLA, it is important to adhere to the highest standards of professionalism and ethical conduct.

This includes:

Compliance with Laws and Regulations:
• Abide by all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations.
• Maintain all necessary insurance, licenses, and permits.

Business Conduct:
• Maintain the highest standards of business conduct, using only legal and ethical means in all business activities.
• Conduct business guided by truth, accuracy, honesty, fairness, and integrity.
• Conduct business and professional activities in a reputable manner so as to reflect honorably
upon the business community and fellow CFHLA members.

Professional Conduct:
• Conduct all business dealings in a civil, courteous, and professional manner.
• Refrain from engaging in any act or omission of a dishonest, deceitful, or fraudulent nature in
the conduct of business activities.
• Be truthful in all advertising and informative materials, whether in print, electronic media,
television, radio, or any other medium.
• Ensure that advertising materials do not contain false, misleading, or incomplete information.

Member and CFHLA Employee Reporting.
Prohibited Conduct to or by a CFHLA member or employee at any CFHLA Entities’ sponsored event, activity, function or meeting is to be reported to CFHLA’s Board Chair, First Vice Chair, or CFHLA’s CEO, who will then refer the matter to the Code of Conduct Committee.

Code of Conduct Committee.
The Code of Conduct Committee will be comprised of six (6) total members, which shall include three (3) Allied members, of which will be the Current Chair, Past Chair and Vice Chair of the Allied Council and three (3) Lodging members, of which will consist of either the Current Chair, Past Chair, and/or Vice Chair of the three (3) different CFHLA Boards (CFHLA, CFHLA Foundation, or CFHLA PAC/PC). Additionally, the President and CEO of CFHLA will be a non-voting member of the Committee.

Board Members and CFHLA Employee Reporting.
Prohibited Conduct to or by a current Board Member at any CFHLA Entities’ sponsored event, activity, function or meeting is to be reported to any member of the Code of Conduct Committee. Accordingly, if any Board Member believes that she/he/they have been or are being subjected to any form of Prohibited Conduct he/she/they should promptly report it to the Code of Conduct Committee. Additionally, each Board Member and all employees of CFHLA are asked to promptly report to the Code of Conduct Committee any Prohibited Conduct toward any Protected Person(s) of which they become aware from any source.

All Board Members and CFHLA employees have the responsibility to report another member or CFHLA employee that the Board Member believes is engaging in Prohibited Conduct to the Code of Conduct Committee.

Complaint Process/Investigation/No Retaliation.

Step 1: The person reporting the alleged Prohibited Conduct to the Code of Conduct Committee must, upon request by a member of the Code of Conduct Committee, provide supporting information and cooperate in the investigation.  Additionally, the person reporting the alleged Prohibited Conduct may be asked to provide a written statement of the date(s), times, location, and nature of the Prohibited Conduct as well as the names of any witnesses.

Step 2: Within no more than fifteen (15) days after receipt of any report or complaint of Prohibited Conduct, the Code of Conduct Committee shall meet to discuss the allegation(s). If four (4) of the members of the Code of Conduct Committee agree that there is no possibility the complaint or report relates to Prohibited Conduct, then the Code of Conduct Committee may decline to investigate the matter  provided that the Code of Conduct Committee does its best to issue a letter to the complainant(s) and/or reporting person(s) within sixty (60) days of the Code of Conduct Committee’s decision that explains the Code of Conduct Committee's decision not to investigate and the reasons therefor.

Step 3: The investigation will be conducted by the Code of Conduct Committee. 

Step 4: Within thirty (30) days of the completion of the investigation, the Code of Conduct Committee shall prepare a written report describing the allegations, the information gathered, and their determination as to whether Prohibited Conduct likely occurred, based upon the information found what person(s) engaged in the Prohibited Conduct, and recommend what action should be taken.

Confidentiality.  The reporting person, the alleged perpetrator, and all witnesses, must understand that confidentiality of the complaint involving the substance of the allegations cannot be expected due to the very nature and process of the investigation of the complaint. Nonetheless, the Code of Conduct Committee, Board Members, and others involved in the investigation will try to maintain the confidentiality, including restricting the dissemination of the complaint, to those having a need to know. Additionally, the Code of Conduct Committee, Board Members, and those involved in the investigation are to respect the privacy of the others involved to the extent they can reasonably do so under the circumstances.

This Code of Conduct policy serves as a guiding principle for CFHLA members to conduct themselves in an ethical and professional manner. CFHLA reserves the right to take appropriate action, including membership termination, against any individual or business found to violate this Code.